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Brief description
To provide worldwide English speaking consumers with as much information and tools as possible to aid them in purchasing the best VoIP Service for their situation is the main goal of this site. The site visitors can compare the voip services provided in the area they plan on to call. Also it is possible through advanced search wizard to select the services that match to some criteria and estimate the supposed costs.The registered users can also take part in any discussion through forum functionality and send the review about Service Provider. For administrative purposes the appropriate module has been done (www.voipreview.org).
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools C#, JavaScript, MS SQL, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, IIS
Customer Trade company
Status supporting

Compare Wireless Phones
Brief description
The main goal of this site is to provide the customers with as much information and tools as possible to aid them in purchasing the best Wireless Service or the best Cell Phone. Any site visitor can browse the phones, plans of Service Providrers and estimate them, looking at reviews sent by other users. The registered users can also take part in any discussion through forum functionality and send the review about Service Provider. For site management the administrator module has been done as well. It allows controlling the site contents and making any changes and adjustments (www.comparewirelessphones.com).
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools C#, JavaScript, MS SQL, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, IIS
Customer Trade company
Status closed

Net Sales Center with .Net
Brief description
Corporate system for the management of trade enterprise: Purchases planning, Sales planning, Consignments, Reclamation, Warehouse accounting, Products catalogue, Human Resource, Customer Relationship, Resource planning, Salary calculation, Web Shopping
Case diagrams conceptual,  database,  reporting
Tools C#, JavaScript, MS SQL, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, SOAP, XML, IIS
Customer Trade company
Status closed

Data loading and scrubbing application
Brief description
This distributed multi-user software means for Data Warehouse contents control. The core of this system is the set of components where the customer requirements and algorithms concerning data loading and refining are implemented. End-user interface is very friendly and it simplifies the data examination and processing significantly.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools .Net Remoting, SQL Server 2000, DTS, C#, T-SQL
Customer Financial analytic company in USA
Status closed

DataBanc Warehouse and Data Marts
Brief description
The main goal of this project is the creating of the unified data storage for keeping of historical information related to small business credits. The set of fact-tables keep the information concerning credit history events (balances, default, and prepayments). The set of dimension table (lookups) allows the data processing with means provided by SQL QLAP Service and building of statistical indexes for future needs.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools SQL Server 2000, SQL QLAP Service, T-SQL, MDX (multidimensional expressions)
Customer Financial analytic company in USA
Status closed

SBAInsight - the system of management and financial analysis of credit risks for small business.
Brief description
This powerful analytical software provides the customer with standard means of control over DB items (credit portfolios, macroeconomic projections, CPR vectors) and two services of financial analysis. Based on predefined macroeconomic projections the "CPR Analysis" service allows producing the set of integrated statistical indexes of credit default. "Yield calculator" makes possible the estimating of the profitability some pool. The result of analysis is represent as PowerPoint presentation or MS Excel file.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools C#, MS Access, MS Office object model
Customer Financial analytic company in USA
Status closed

Net Sales Center
Brief description
Corporate system for the management of trade enterprise: Purchases planning, Sales planning, Consignments, Reclamation, Warehouse accounting, Products catalogue, Human Resource, Customer Relationship, Resource planning, Salary calculation
Case diagrams conceptual,  database,  reporting
Tools COM+, VB, JavaScript, ADO, MS SQL, HTTP, XML, ASP, IIS
Customer Trade company
Status closed

Web-site for financial analytic company BancLab USA
Brief description
BancLab specializes in analysis and statistical processing of data for small business lenders. This site has been designed for presentation purpose. It provides the customer with set of services and credit risk management tools, describes the approaches of data processing and report building. The administrative tool for site contents management was done as well.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools HTML/DHTML, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, XML/XSL
Customer Trade company
Status closed

FRA Model - software for credit calculating and analysis for Federal Railroad Administration of USA
Brief description
It is flexible and convenient tool for credit portfolio management and calculating. Friendly user interface and set of wizards make easy changing of portfolio contents and the separate credit. Credit Scheduler allows manipulating with payment data based on set of parameters (maturity date, payment interval and etc). The set of financial astatistical reports is based on MS Excel.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools VB, COM, MS Access, MS Office object model
Customer Financial analytic company in USA
Status closed

FolioInsight - the system of financial analysis of credit risks for small business
Brief description
Based on modern statistical algorithms of data processing, this tool allows producing the set of indexes (risk curve) for credit default and prepayment. Also, it is possible to analyze the credit pools in the context of different parameters (ZIP code, SIC code and etc). The result of calculating is represented as PowerPoint presentation.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools VB, COM, MS Access, MS Office object model
Customer Financial analytic company in USA
Status closed

CreditInsight – the system of management and financial analysis of credit risks for small business.
Brief description
This application is the continuation of series of toolkits for small business credit risk management. It includes the means of credit portfolio control and module of statistical analysis that makes possible the predicting of credit portfolio behavior with risk curve(s) produced by FolioInsight. The result of analysis is represent as PowerPointpresentation or MS Excel file.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools VB, COM, MS Access, MS Office object model
Customer Financial analytic company in USA
Status closed

Dent Wizard
Brief description
Distributed system of complex dentist automation. All reports are in conformity with the demands of Health Care Ministry. Tooling system for hierarchical data analysis. The "Midas Entity" functionality of object-relational conformity was designed within the framework of this project.
Case diagrams Dental,  MIDAS
Tools MIDAS Entity, X-Cube, Delphi, COM+, XML, MS SQL or Paradox
Customer Dentist clinics
Status closing

E-commerce site for Byelorussian trade company
Brief description
This is the internet-shop for different video and audio production selling. Generally it consists of two parts: customer and administrative services. The first one provides the visitors with friendly interface that simplifies the choice of necessary goods and allows controlling of customer basket contents. The administrative toolkit provides the owner with means for management of customer orders and web-site contents.
Case diagrams conceptual
Tools HTML, DHTML, ASP, XML/XSL, JavaScript, VBScript, Access
Customer Trade company
Status closed

Real Estate Wizard
Brief description
Scaled informational system for accounting and inventory of real estate and deals with real estate operation: Lease, Pawning, Ownership rights assignation, Sale. Tooling system for multidimensional analysis (X-Cube).
Case diagrams Estate,  MIDAS
Tools MIDAS Entity, X-Cube, Delphi, COM+, XML, MS SQL
Customer Real Estate accounting enterprise
Status closed

Project Broker Millennium
Brief description
Corporate informational system for management of: Projects, Contracts, Human resources, Resource planning, Customer Relationship
Case diagrams Department
Tools IIS,VB, HTML, HTTP, ASP, COM, MTS, JavaScript, ADO, Visual C ++, MS SQL
Customer IT company in Austria
Status closed

Tour 2000
Brief description
The scalable system for complex information workflow in business
Case diagrams Tour
Tools COM+,VB, Visual J++, MS SQL
Customer Tourist agency in Greece
Status closed

Brief description
Multidimensional analysis system for financial showings.
Case diagrams XCube
Tools OLAP, COM/DCOM, ActiveX, Delphi, HTTP
Customer Telephone company
Status closed

Brief description
Multidimensional analysis system for customer relationship.
Case diagrams CRM
Tools OLAP, COM/DCOM, ActiveX, Delphi, Visual J
Customer Telephone company
Status closed

Enterprice wizard
Brief description
Distributed system with ERP elements for management of production:Personnel accounting, Warehouse accounting, Production, Production planning and analysis, Marketing, Reclamation accounting, Consignment accounting
Case diagrams FactoryMIDAS
Tools COM/DCOM, MTS, Delphi, MIDAS,MS SQL Server
Customer Small trade and industrial company
Status closed

Brief description
Personnel accounting system: Human resource, Work time control, Integration with system for access control to the enterprise rooms
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi, Interbase
Customer Industrial company
Status closed

Business Outlook
Brief description
Integrated single-user system of informational automation for small and average scale business: Elements for work time planning, Contracts and sales management, Warehouse, Mini-system for accounting. Tooling system for data hierarchical analysis.
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi
Customer Russian-American joint stocks venture
Status closed

Brief description
Entire warehouse accounting: Reclamation and consignment accounting, Entire conformity to legislature of Republic of Belarus.
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi
Customer Trade company
Status closed

Info Master
Brief description
Informational-reference system for heterogeneous data storage + document workflow
Case diagrams Entities
Tools Power Builder, Oracle
Customer IT Company
Status closed

Supermarket 1.1
Brief description
System for informational automation of retail trade: Support for cash register terminals, Integration with 1C accounting system
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi
Customer The sanitary engineering shops network
Status closed

Tour Master
Brief description
System of document workflow automation for tourist business
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi, Interbase
Customer Tourist agency
Status closed

Ticket Master
Brief description
Management and planning system for tours, trips, excursions
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi
Customer Tourist agency
Status closed

Doc Master
Brief description
System of office document workflow automation: Document storage optimization, Data enciphering system, Conformity with legislature of Republic of Belarus
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi
Customer All enterprises
Status closed

Bank Subsystem
Brief description
Subsystem of clearing operations accounting(Within the framework of automation of bank activity).
Case diagrams  
Tools Oracle, Oracle Developer, Power Objects
Customer Bank in Belarus
Status closed

Club Plastic Card System
Brief description
System for access control to the enterprise rooms
Case diagrams  
Tools Delphi, Sybase
Customer All concerned persons and enterprises
Status closed

Business Plan
Brief description
Business plan of investment project. Version for Russian-English locales.
Case diagrams  
Tools MS Access
Customer All concerned persons and enterprises
Status closed

Automated workplace for medicine
Brief description
Automated work place for therapist and methodologist. Generalized analysis for the sickness rate.
Case diagrams  
Tools FoxPro
Customer The institute of physical culture and sport
Status closed

Scientific Research
Brief description
Analysis of probability processes
Case diagrams  
Tools C++
Customer The Byelorussian State University - chair of computer science
Status closed

Warehouse accounting
Brief description
Printing of waybill and reports sheets.
Case diagrams  
Tools MS-DOS, Object Pascal, Turbo Vision
Customer Trade company
Status closed

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